Wednesday, 19 November 2014

Drilling a well with 'Fishy Peppers'

Very soon I have to stop with these stories. Now that he is ten, I am sure the boy will start protesting against making his stories "public".So maybe a few more here and there till the year ends.
My new year resolution will have to be "Start looking for stories elsewhere".
With age comes maturity and wisdom. For most people.
Last month, I experienced that "maturity" when  he proudly announced "Oil and gas " as his chosen topic for the yearly  "class lecture". Till last year it was the "Cars" or "Cricket" or something  like that. The double digits in age has definitely effected his choice. I think.
On one hand I was happy that he is "growing up". On the other, I was frantically thinking of a way to explain to him this topic which earns me my daily bread...Cannot be so simple, right?

Guess who came to my rescue. Mr. Google, as expected.
Google Uncle, with his huge information bank gave the boy whatever he asked for. From time to time he forwarded the boy to Wiki-Aunty. When he needed some action in the form of videos, Cousin-YouTube was ready to help. While the whole 'net' family helped him, Mommy just stood and watched and wondered, "how did we manage without Google in our childhood?".
But  back then we did not have Powerpoint either! So what would we need the photos for?
We had a syllabus and we had written exams. We had pen and paper. ( ..and No! I am not THAT old ;-))

Once the slides were done, I had a look.  My admiration for the Uncle, Aunty and the Cousin increased even more. The amount and quality of information a 10-yr old can dig out on something which is not such a "day-to-day" topic is amazing. The other amazing thing is 'this generation'. Their exposure to everything is unimaginable. Honestly, watching him "Copy paste" and press the "Save as" button with a  file name still surprises me! Exactly the same confidence with which I filled my ink pen from an ink pot at that age (with Ma saying, 'not a drop on the table!!').
However, being the mom plus being in the oil and gas business, I DID make some corrections! I HAD TO! But I have to admit it was all there , as much as required from a 10-yr old.

He started to practice. I sat infront of him  with the timer on. We practiced a lot. His confidence increased. Suddenly he stopped.
Eyes gleaming with a "let-me-give-you-some-information-which-I-am-sure-is-new-to-you" look he said , 'Ma, did you know the drilling bit used to drill the well has holes in it?'

Of course I know my dear but how can I answer this without destroying your enthusiasm ?
I said, 'Well, I know ONLY because I work with this subject but most people would not have a clue'.
A radiant smile.
He did well. Tension over.The teacher was surprised with his choice of topic. I hope he understands that I had nothing to do with it.

Fishy Peppers

The moment these peppers arrived fresh from the market, they stole my heart. Such colour, such texture, such die for. Usually they are eaten raw at my place. Sweet and juicy, a perfect healthy material for A-junior's school snack. But I wanted to make something else.

I used:
  • Pepper: 7-8 whole
  • Tuna : 1 can
  • Potato: 1 (boiled)
  • Ginger:  2 inch (grated)
  • Onion : 1/2 cup (chopped and fried)
  • green chili : 2 chopped
  • Coriander: 1/2 cup   (chopped)
  • Egg:  1
  • Cornflour: 1 tsp
  • Cumin powder: 1 tbsp
  • lemon juice: few drops
  • salt
Ready steady cook:
  • Clean the peppers and de-seed them from one side.
  • Mix and mash the tuna fish, potato, onion fry, chili, ginger and coriander.
  • Add the cumin powder, lemon juice and salt to taste.
  • Fill in the mix in small portions in the peppers.
  • In a separate bowl mix the egg and the cornflour to make a thin batter.
  • Dip the peppers in the batter and fry in oil. I shallow fried it in little oil just enough to make sure that the batter seals the opening.
(Making a batter with chickpeas flour and egg would have been better..but I did not have it at home. Deep frying will taste better too.)
  • Serve hot.

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