Sunday, 8 January 2012

Happy New Year...

A Very Happy New Year to all of you!!!
Wish you all a fantastic 2012 ahead!

Time flies. It seems like "just the other day" when we celebrated last new years eve. One full year of 365 days becomes our past....a new set of 365 days is our future...although unknown but the new set comes with expectations and promises and hopes of brightness ahead.
Maybe nothing changes...but just the fact that the year is new gives a feeling of a "fresh start". Have you made your 2012 resolution?
2011 ended very well for me. I had a lovely vacation in Morocco.--my first time in Africa. It was wonderful...I need to tell the story. Hence my target in the coming weeks is to write a travelogue about this trip accompanied by small day to day incidents accompanied by some tasty recipes accompanied by some lovely photos accompanied by some daily learnings accompanied by.....
Stay with me....
O yes, before I forget. I know many of you could not sleep well with the tension of my chocolate cake last year..remember the one that I was supposed to bake for Arnos school dinner? It actually came out very well. Arno loved it. His friends loved it. To be honest my confidence on baking is a notch higher now (Now, dont start expecting cake recipes on my blog!!!).

 I cannot not take credit for the cake alone. Arno worked very hard. We did it together...
While the cake was being baked, he rushed infront of the oven 10,000 times just to see if things were ok.
He asked me "Mama, thik kore oven e dhukiyechile to?" [did you put the baking tray in the oven PROPERLY ?]
My love for baking was visible even to a seven year old !!!
Anyway, it was getting late, well past bed time for Arno. So with the oven clock ticking at 30 mins to go, he reluctantly left the kitchen in my hands and went to bed. I stood infront of the glass oven door trying to catch a glimpse of this fantastic object which gradually rose from its liquidness to a plump chocolate cake. It looked good. However, the last step was yet to come. I nervously stood with a toothpick in my hand exactly as instructed in the recipe...
"A toothpick inserted in the center of the cake should come out clean with no batter clinging to it"
The husband, from his sofa infront of the TV said with super confidence, "dont worry, everything will be fine"!!!!
I forced myself not to change the direction of the toothpick and waited patiently.....
Ting! the oven timer shook me out from my nervous daze....
With trembling hands I pricked the lovely brown texture with the toothpick, waited for a second or two (just in case), and lo behold!!...out comes the toothpick all dry and clean!
All excited from this huge success, I immediately started decorating the cake..the target was to make it so beautiful that Arno should feel proud to take it to school....phew....

Next morning:

Arno: Wow mama what a lovely cake ! The decoration is beautiful.  I know the design!! this is how it looks when you start your computer..................
For a moment, I did not understand what he meant...and then the bulb flashed in my mind!

[I did not see the resemblance until he pointed it out...yes, Microsoft Windows starting up at the center of the cake, do you see it?]



  1. Happy New year to you and yours Dayeeta.

    Babba darun cake hoyeche. Ami Dec last week e emon ekta cake banalam, je amar meye aadh ghonta kandlo cake khabe NA bole !!! Tarpor cake tai ki bhul korechi discover korte giye ami ar amar husband puro cake ta ke sesh korlam. Next din, amar husband decide korlo je ami enough beat korini, tai ek i cake abar nije banalo. Taste e temon unnati dekhlam na. Meye abar kandlo. Amra abar kheye sesh korlam. Ar banai ni.

  2. Ha-Ha Excellent observation by Arno :)
    Ebaar khawar list ta kintu bedhei choleche- Raja'r Biriyani, tomar lazy kababs, Cheese cake, chocolate cake- with and without Whiskey and all those Moroccan delicacies that you still have to teach us...
    Last blogger uttor ta ei ta podhar aagei doye diechilaam...please ignore.

  3. @sandeepa: uff too funny..ei incident gulo mone theke jaye ..forever,tai na? Jagge cake ta tomra dujon enjoy kore kheyecho shetao great achievement.

    @piyaldi: hehehehehe...chole esho..onekdin ei dike ashoni....shob khawabo + aro beshi khawabo....

  4. Cake ta to darun hoyeche Dayeeta di :)

  5. @Dipra: Thanks! Tui kalke jei chocolate cake ta khawali..was very good!! send me the recipe..


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