Another fresh New Year! - to plan, to live, to be grateful for!
Best wishes for all........
Today's word is -GyanPaapi! (in Bengali)
জ্ঞানপাপী (Gyanpaapi) : Willful or deliberate sinner; conscious sinner.
This is what Google threw back as the meaning of the word.
When I was growing up, this word was often used sarcastically for a person who had all the theoretical knowledge and reasoning about doing something, that could be harmful, YET continued doing it.
So inspite of having the 'Gyan(knowledge)', still did the 'paap (sin)'.
Let me explain...........
Scene1: I caught a cold
Ma: How did you catch a cold? (big eyes, stern voice)
Me: I was playing outside in the cold without wearing my sweater. (See? knew it, yet...)
Ma: Gyanpaapi!
Scene2: Got poor grades in Maths. (ok, make it very poor grades in Maths)
Baba: So why such poor grades this time? (the tone was not as calm as it feels in writing here)
Me: I did not study enough (See? funda clear, yet...)
Baba: Gyanpaapi!
None of the above scenes ended in such a peaceful one-word-only outcome but you get the general drift of the word...right?
I have quite a few Gyanpaapis in my life (including myself)
(most of them 50± years on this planet)
We know we need to eat healthy. We know we need to put in more exercise. We know we need to go for the yearly check-up. We know physiotherapy really helps the back problem. We know that the daily walk is mandatory. We know smoking is injurious to health. We know hobbies bring positivity to life. We know life is uncertain. etc etc...
We know it all - theoretically! because we have been here long enough and have seen a lot of life...........
YET............yet yet yet..... we ignore.....and continue 'business as usual'...
We are a bunch of Gyanpaapis!
Dear friends - Take a pledge this year - quit being a Gyanpaapi!
(believe me, I just made my physiotherapy appointment 😀)
'Gyan' over - let us switch to food and life.
Chicken Prawn Paella
This skillet was bought by A-senior a few years back. ...and then it was seasoned with full energy and passion!!
The Oil massage, water wash, exact temperature of the preheated oven, oil massage again, wiping with a dry cloth, back in the oven, raising the temperature in steps...the whole shebang!
He never got to use it.
This year, I mustered enough courage and muscle power to bring out the never-used-perfectly-seasoned-superheavy-cast iron skillet to cook a Paella. It turned out to be ok - not the very best (I blamed it on the rice I used) but the skillet was more than perfect!
I may have complained a bit too much about its weight before - but I do promise to use it more to make him proud and happy.
You need [I made for 6 people]
Chicken : 1 kg boneless (small pieces)
Prawns (deveined): 300 gms
Garlic : 6 pods sliced
Onion: 1 medium roughly chopped
Carrot : 3 (cubed)
Frozen peas: 1 cup
Red paprika: 1 diced
Chicken stock cube
Tomato puree : 3-4 spoonfull
Paella Rice : 3 cups
Olive oil
Salt and black pepper
Fresh coriander (I did not have parsley, hence...)
Ready steady cook:
- Put olive oil into a large paella skillet on a medium heat. Add garlic, onion, carrot, chicken and paprika, and fry for around 5 minutes, stirring regularly.
- Add the tomato purée and crumble in the stock cube, then add the rice and stir for a couple of minutes so it starts to absorb all the flavours.
- Pour in 750ml of boiling water and add a pinch of salt and black pepper. Cover with lid and bring to a boil, then reduce to a simmer for 15 minutes, stirring regularly from the outside in and from the inside out, and adding a splash of water if needed.
- Stir in the peas and prawns, replace the lid, and cook for a further 5 minutes
- Season with some more black pepper, then chop the coriander leaves, scatter them over the paella, and serve with lemon wedges on the side for squeezing over.
.....and how can I forget the perfect Sangria that 'S' prepared to go with the Paella?
It is a blessing when there is food on the table and friends around to eat it together.
Cheers to 2024!