Friday, 15 February 2008

The junior

..So the big question is, why suddenly on this 15th of Feb, 2008 did I start to blog? What really triggered this sudden action? What actually is the purpose of this blog? Whats special? whats new? whats interesting?
Hold on folks, I have no clue!
I just "felt " like doing it today......
I think that dominant factor in this whole episode is that recently I have visited some blogs where parents make a note of the nice anecdotes of their children....which inspired me!

A-junior (thats how I shall refer to the 3.5 yr old , absolutely fantastic boy I have) has just started to speak...every day he surprises us with his funny-yet-small vocabulary....we smile, enjoy but also forget the exact comment as the days go by...mostly replaced by a funnier and happier comment he makes...

This place can be such a nice diary to monitor "his growth.."..
I am infact a bit sad that I did not start this earlier.....Actually I am still a very pen-and-paper type person..I prefer "writing" to "typing". So I started scribbling down stuff when A-junior was born...Initially it went quite fast...I made albums with handwritten notes but gradually the time constraint came in [I know, its a lame excuse] .
The point I am trying to make is that NOW I realize that "typing" can be done even while at

...better late than never.......what do you say?

Hello, mike testing... 1..2..3..4..5..6......

Just testing...........
When its all brand new, it has to be tested, right?