Until yesterday, I had not paid much attention to them.
They were there, doing the job they were supposed to do.
No special appreciation or extra care - they kept me standing.....
My Knees.
Yesterday, my left knee was very painful.
I sat on the couch trying to figure out the root cause.
The walk? work? the boots?
The walk to work in the boots?
The stairs? weather? lunch?
Or is it just because .......?
(Btw, I believe it has "nothing to do with age")
Having said that, the other side of 50 has its realizations as well.....
1. Age is no longer 'just a number'.
It is actually a mix of many numbers.
130/95, 220, 4.6, 11, 18.5........ and don't even get me started on their units!
(they can be as complicated as millimole per liter!!)
Keeping track of all these numbers is becoming absolutely necessary- a fact.
2. The decades bring cynicism (ahem! Some people call it wisdom).
In most cases, one cannot avoid it. Package deal.
Perceptions change, our reactions change !
Arre yaar, 50 years is no joke!
People (above 50) worldwide reading this post, please raise your hand and give me that high five I deserve after making such a profound statement.
3. We discuss meditation, yoga, pension plans, intermittent fasting, and the benefits of chia seeds in the same conversation.
We offer examples like
..' when my cousin's mother-in-law had that, she used to......'
or suggestions like
..'have you tried soaking turmeric with ginger and honey and..'
or advice like
..'have chia seeds- cholesterol will be taken care of.'
Experience of five decades plus add Mr.Google to that!
Feels like there is nothing unknown anymore.
On top of all the realizations, also feel proud if you have crossed the mark.
Raise the bat, thank your supporters, smile at your fans, wink at the cheerleaders, be grateful for your team, ..and pat yourself on the back ...
Keep running.....
....and what is now very important is...
Take good care of all the nuts and bolts that keep you together.
....Like the knees.
Yes, food habits need to change too. What a bummer for a foodie like me!
I can talk food, I can walk food, I can think food 24/7 ......
(Remember Amitabh Bachchan's I can talk English, I can walk English,...?)
The good news is that going forward, it is not all gloom and doom and keto diet ...
An Apple a day can also keep the doctor away ๐
I tried baking a healthy Apple cake, which turned out to be almost as tasty as its unhealthy counterpart.
I replaced flour with semolina, sugar with jaggery and butter with olive oil.
And added an Apple to that...
Have a slice, promise that you will take care of your knees and continue celebrating life.